FAST COMPANY 02/14/25 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Steve Cohen If President Donald Trump and Elon Musk are serious about making the U.S. government more efficient, then Trump needs to reinstate the dozen-plus independent inspectors general who were recently fired from his administration. These independent inspectors were tasked with […]
Fast Company
Buildings Contain Tons of Toxic Plastic—and Big Oil Wants to Add More
FAST COMPANY 01/21/2025 By Michael Shank Here’s what we should be using instead. There’s wide consensus that single-use plastics are bad for environmental and human health, which is why eight in 10 Americans support a national policy reducing their use. The fossil fuel industry, in response, is finding new homes […]
4 Lessons From Melbourne on How Cities Can Build Neighborhood Batteries That People Love
FAST COMPANY 08/06/24 By Michael Shank The city built public and political will for its work to develop local energy storage—and its success can be an example for other cities looking to do the same thing. Fossil fuel enthusiasts, when defending their carbon emitting industry, love saying that the wind […]
4 Ways That Cities Can—and Should—Protect Their Citizens From Extreme Heat
FAST COMPANY 07/22/24 By Michael Shank and Elizabeth Babcock Extreme heat is going to be a new normal for much of America. Just look at the data: June was the hottest June on record; May was the hottest May on record. Last year was the hottest year on record, and […]
Portland Has Raised $587 Million for Its Clean Energy Fund. Here’s How It Should Use It
FAST COMPANY 06/19/24 BY MICHAEL SHANK The Oregon city imposed a 1% tax on its biggest businesses, with the money going to communities most impacted by climate change. But there’s controversy about what that means. Cities all across the U.S. are struggling with a range of concerns, from an unhoused […]
How Policymakers Can Keep Climate Top of Mind—Even if Trump Wins
FAST COMPANY 05/30/24 By Michael Shank There’s fear in the climate community that November’s presidential elections could upend all the work that President Joe Biden’s administration has done on clean energy and environmental justice. As a result, there’s a mad dash to get climate funding out the door in case […]
Violent Crime Is Rising in Washington, D.C. But the City Is Blatantly Ignoring the Root Cause
FAST COMPANY 02/29/24 By Michael Shank Michael Shank argues that the clear ties between inequality and crime should push D.C. to invest in housing and socioeconomic programs—not double down on policing. Studies have long shown that the more inequality that exists in a society, the more violence there is. The […]
How New York City is Getting Plant-Based Meals into Schools, Hospitals, and Jails
FAST COMPANY 01/16/24 By Michael Shank Mayor Eric Adams has been a huge proponent of plant-based diets as a way to both boost health and reduce the city’s carbon emissions. Food is finally front and center when it comes to climate action and policy. Or at least it’s on the […]
5 Reasons Why Cities Should Create an Office of Urban Agriculture
FAST COMPANY 07/14/23 By Michael Shank and Kate Lee There’s a new movement cropping up in city governments across America. It’s apolitical enough that it can avoid the polarization that comes with other climate initiatives. And it’s easy to incorporate because it spans many aspects of city governance and life, […]
How San Francisco Translated Its 300-Page Climate Plan Into Tangible Actions for Residents
FAST COMPANY 06/12/23 By Michael Shank Most climate action plans are long, dry documents that few people understand. San Francisco decided to change that. Most cities that consider themselves environmental leaders have developed climate action plans that articulate how they’re reducing emissions, adapting to climate impacts, and promoting circularity and […]