Fast Company

Every Purchase You Make Is A Chance To Vote With Your Wallet

FAST COMPANY 04/05/17 By Michael Shank and Maxine Bédat  You may not realize it, but you have a lot of political power–not at the voting booth, but in the checkout line. In this new age of consumer activism, buyers are sending strong signals to American companies–with impressive results. No longer […]

There Is A Major Climate Issue Hiding In Your Closet: Fast Fashion

FAST COMPANY 11/11/16 By Michael Shank and Maxine Bedat Disposable clothes, often made from oil, in factories powered by coal, and shipped around the world, mean that the apparel industry contributes 10% of global emissions. This month as world leaders meet in Morocco to discuss implementation of the Paris climate […]

The Path To Clean Energy Requires An Energy-Storage Revolution

FAST COMPANY 09/15/16 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Mike Honda With the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s announcement this month that, in no uncertain terms, climate change played a pivotal role in Louisiana’s unprecedented rainfall and catastrophic flooding, it’s clear that, as a nation, we must take notice. […]

What Do We Mean When We Say “Clean Energy”?

FAST COMPANY 04/08/16 By Michael Shank and Leilani Munter We need to stop using natural gas and nuclear on our way to truly clean power. We now know how extensively and dangerously oil industry giants, such as ExxonMobil, sowed doubt in the American mind regarding the existence of global warming, […]