RICHMOND TIMES DISPATCH 02/07/2025 By Michael Shank With newly elected President Donald Trump declaring a national energy emergency last month to boost fossil fuels, while planning to gut environmental policies of the previous administration, there is one clean energy that’ll stay in the mix — and that’s solar power. Trump’s […]
Local Analysis
What the Climate Community Needs Right Now: Lessons from the Amish Mennonites
MEDIUM 06/28/24 By Dr. Michael Shank If you go to my LinkedIn, you’ll see the following text in the About section: “Striving to build an accessible bridge between science/policy and the public’s understanding of, engagement with, and co-creation and co-ownership of that science and policy. That’s been my life’s work. […]
Violent Crime Is Rising in Washington, D.C. But the City Is Blatantly Ignoring the Root Cause
FAST COMPANY 02/29/24 By Michael Shank Michael Shank argues that the clear ties between inequality and crime should push D.C. to invest in housing and socioeconomic programs—not double down on policing. Studies have long shown that the more inequality that exists in a society, the more violence there is. The […]
Change Strategies or Break New Crime Records
HILLRAG 02/21/24 By Michael Shank The District of Columbia had their deadliest year in two decades – 2023 – but is bound to break new records this year, irrespective of the Secure DC crime bill getting final approval from the City Council this month. The bill does little to make […]
Westchester Can’t Tolerate Its Largest Polluter — The Peekskill Incinerator — Any Longer
USATODAY/LOHUD 02/15/24 By Michael Shank and Courtney Williams At the end of January, one of New York State’s dirtiest trash incinerators owned by WIN Waste marked 40 years of operation and trash burning. No one who lives near it, however, is celebrating. The local community of Peekskill, New York, which […]
Urban Agriculture Is Taking Off. Cities Need to Get on Board
RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH 09/17/23 By Michael Shank and Kate Lee There’s a new movement cropping up in city governments across America. It’s apolitical enough that it can avoid the polarization that comes with other climate initiatives. And it’s easy to incorporate because it spans many aspects of city governance and life, […]
Climate Action Plan Communication
BENNINGTON BANNER 06/19/23 MANCHESTER JOURNAL 06/19/23 RUTLAND HERALD 06/21/23 TIMES ARGUS 06/21/23 By Michael Shank Most cities that consider themselves environmental leaders have developed climate action plans that articulate how they’re reducing emissions, adapting to climate impacts, and promoting circularity and equity. Vermont cities, like Burlington and Montpelier, have done […]
How Cities are Getting Hyper-Local to Solve the Massive Challenges of Climate Change
CALEDONIAN RECORD 04/14/23 BENNINGTON BANNER 04/14/23 TIMES ARGUS 04/20/23 RUTLAND HERALD 04/20/23 VTDIGGER 05/16/23 By Michael Shank Cities around the world are increasingly investing in new approaches to engage communities in the co-creation of climate action and policymaking. There are several remarkable shifts happening across city ecosystems at the Carbon […]
Waste is a Terrible Thing to Waste
BRATTLEBORO REFORMER 3/30/23 CALEDONIAN RECORD 3/31/23 TIMES ARGUS 04/01/23 RUTLAND HERALD 04/01/23 VTDIGGER 04/10/23 By Michael Shank As the saying goes, waste is a terrible thing to waste. They don’t say that, but they should. Because one of our member cities, Toronto, is doing everything it can to ensure it’s […]
Key posts in local government can help to tackle climate change
BRATTLEBORO REFORMER 02/23/23 VTDIGGER 02/28/23 TIMES ARGUS 02/17/23 RUTLAND HERALD 02/17/23 BENNINGTON BANNER 02/23/23 By Michael Shank and Julia Peek When tackling climate change, one may think of the usual suite of approaches in policymaking: regulation and incentives to ramp up renewables, electrify our buildings and transportation, weatherize our homes, […]