THE WEEK 01/15/15 By Michael Shank This year is quickly shaping up to be a banner year for action on climate change. And just in time. Last year was the hottest year on record. We also logged the highest global carbon emissions ever. This resulted in a slew of extreme […]
Tag: roscoe bartlett
Busting the Biofuels Boom
NATIONAL JOURNAL 07/29/13 By Michael Shank While I am all for a renewable fuel standard that boosts our production and consumption of renewable energy – as opposed to non-renewable fossil fuel energy – I think it is worth identifying several myths about biofuels first. In a bipartisan column I wrote […]
Congress Must Extend Tax Credits for Renewable and Efficient Sources
THE HILL 09/10/08 By Michael Shank and U.S. Representative Roscoe G. Bartlett (R-MD) Governors and state legislators are doing it. Mayors are doing it. Universities are doing it. Businesses and individuals are doing it. The greening of America is occurring for a host of environmental, economic, religious, security and humanitarian […]
This Earth Day is Different
THE HILL 04/22/08 By Michael Shank and Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) Earth Day, for some, is comparable to a sacred holiday, reminding us to tread carefully on nature’s hallowed ground. For others, Earth Day serves as a starter on the basics of recycling and light-bulb changing. Regardless of the myriad […]
Bali Confirmed the Shift: Nation Is On Board Now
RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH 02/22/08 By Michael Shank and US Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) It’s missing the point to think about the United Nations climate change conference in Bali last December based upon on whether specific targets were agreed upon or not. This point ignores dramatic historical changes in the world concerning […]
Biofuels are Helpful but no Panacea for Relieving America’s Dependence on Oil
THE HILL 09/27/07 By Michael Shank, Rep. Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD), and Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) House and Senate conferees working on the omnibus energy bill should include provisions in the conference report that will support the expansion of sustainable biofuels. To do that, several myths about biofuels need to be […]
Pioneers Can Secure Our Future
RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH 09/13/07 By Michael Shank and US Representative Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) Russia, Canada, and the United States are rushing to the North Pole in a pioneer-like land grab for an estimated 25 percent of the world’s unknown oil and gas reserves. One wonders when we will learn. Oil and […]