Tag: john f kennedy

Next Steps in Syria

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 10/10/13 By Michael Shank and Lawrence Wilkerson As inspectors begin destroying Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile, the days and weeks ahead are absolutely critical. While we laud the progress initially instigated by talks between the U.S. and Russia, we feel strongly that our diplomatic efforts going […]

What Would MLK Think of America’s Modern Wars?

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 08/15/13 By Michael Shank This month, Washington – and the world – commemorates the 50th Anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s March on Washington. While Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s progressive dreaming of a world where racial and economic equality is commonplace may have been […]

White House, Congress Choosing Wrong Path on Iran

ROLL CALL 05/23/12 By Michael Shank Recent Istanbul negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 and this week’s Baghdad negotiations have tempered, albeit temporarily, the cry for war. It was close under President George W. Bush, who rallied regime-changers to invade, but it is worse now. The Pentagon publicly prepares plans, […]

The Call for Change In the White House Is an Understatement

ROLL CALL 10/28/08 By Michael Shank and U.S. Rep. Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) On Nov. 4, America will celebrate the close of the most unprecedented presidential campaign in history. On several accounts past precedent has been handily usurped. Most notable: This was our nation’s most expensive campaign yet, surpassing $1 billion […]