NEW PUBLIC HEALTH 05/16/12 By Fran Kritz The Institute for Economics and Peace recently released the second annual United States Peace Index, which provides an assessment of U.S. peacefulness at the state and city levels. The index authors also offer an analysis of the costs associated with violence and the […]
Tag: incarceration
Violence and Violence-Containment’s $460 Billion Price Tag
THE HILL 04/24/12 By Michael Shank Today (April 24), the Institute for Economics and Peace released the second annual U.S. Peace Index, which assesses America’s peacefulness at the state and city levels and analyzes the costs associated with violence and the socio-economic measures associated with peace. So just how peaceful […]
New Virginia Gun Law Will Boost Violence, Costs
WASHINGTON TIMES 02/17/12 By Michael Shank By lifting the gun purchase limit, the state of Virginia can expect to see a lifting of its violence limits as well (“Va. Senate votes to repeal one-gun-a-month law,” Web, Feb. 6). Virginia already has one of the highest rates of availability of small […]
Will Republicans Suggest an Economic Cure in Nevada?
AL JAZEERA 02/04/12 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) As the Republican candidates depart the southeast United States to head to Nevada, one topic seems to have escaped their attention entirely: a credible economic cure for what ails the states where they’re waging their campaigns for president. […]
A Peace Dividend We Should All Want
THE HILL 12/21/11 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Michael Honda (D-CA) In light of Congress’s failure to wrestle up short-term cost-cutting measures for our country, we must not lose sight of longer-term concerns about the sustainability of our deficits, debts and, ultimately, our budgets. While we tempt deadlines now, […]