USA TODAY 9/23/13 By Michael Shank Focus on African security missing development needs. Last month, at the beginning of a trip to Somalia, my twitter feed started buzzing with breaking news about explosions in Mogadishu. A local rebel group, al-Shabab, claimed credit. Their tactic was fairly unsophisticated: break the Ramadan […]
Tag: counterterrorism
Is President Obama Dangerous for Africa?
FCN 07/05/13 By Jehron Muhammad ( – President Obama’s trip to Africa maybe more wolf in sheep’s clothing. His trip is scheduled to include West, South and East Africa, and the nations of Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania. The trip may be too little too late. “To some in Africa,” […]
Barack Obama’s Africa Trip Misses Military Mission Creep on Continent
HUFFINGTON POST 06/22/13 By Michael Shank and Cassidy Regan This week, as President Barack Obama travels to Senegal, South Africa, and Tanzania, he will miss much of America’s mission creep into the African continent. Not merely in the more obvious military interventions into Libya, Mali or Somalia, or military bases […]
Aid Gone Awry in Africa
US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 06/19/13 By Michael Shank and Cassidy Regan As the U.S. government gears up to militarize more of the Middle East by arming rebels in Syria, we are witnessing a similar mission creep toward the African continent. Not merely in the more obvious military interventions into […]
Drones Weaken USA’s Moral Might
USA TODAY 05/24/13 By Michael Shank Armed drones, at first blush, are a boon to America’s military toolkit, as President Obama reinforced in his counterterrorism speech on Thursday. Drones, in the short run at least, could mean fewer U.S. troops deployed and fewer American lives lost. Unsurprisingly, the appeal is […]