Quotes in Press

Fight to Help Long-Term Unemployed Americans

CA NEWSWIRE 06/24/15 Yesterday, in Washington, D.C., U.S. Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-San Fernando Valley, Calif.) continued his commitment to ending long-term unemployment in the United States, by reintroducing legislation that would allow American workers to go where the jobs are. U.S. Rep. Tony CardenasCárdenas, a member of the House Committee […]

Rep Cárdenas Introduces Job Legislation To Help the Unemployed Relocate

LATIN POST 06/24/15 By Rodrigo Ugarte Though unemployment had continued to decrease in the last couple of years, it remains an issue among middle and working class people. Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-Calif.) reintroduced legislation to help the unemployed relocate and find employment. Rep. Cárdenas reintroduced the American Worker Mobility Act […]

Rand Paul Got It Right on ISIS

NEWSMAX 06/12/15 By Doug Wead  Rand Paul is right about ISIS, and his political opponents have become hysterical. Lost in the recent GOP debate is the fact that Sen. Rand Paul was the first public figure to call for a declaration of war against ISIS. He did so because he […]

Decent Jobs, Social Justice for All Hold Key to Sustainable Development

UNITED NATIONS 03/30/15 The day’s third panel discussion was entitled, “Voices from the real economy”.  Moderated by Michael Shank, Director of Media Strategy, Climate Nexus, and Senior Fellow, JustJobs Network, it featured Nomvuzo Shabalala, Deputy Mayor of Durban, South Africa; Sanjay Kumar, Director, Self-Employed Women’s Association, Bharat, India; Vicenta Trotman, […]

United States Faces Uncertain Water Future as Drought Expands

ABC NEWS 03/30/15 By Nikolai Beilharz Drought in California in the United States is now in its fourth year, and some environmental groups say there is not enough political momentum and interest to address the problem. The water shortage has organisations like Climate Nexus, a not-for-profit group focusing on climate […]

Congressional Briefing Looks at Water on Tap

UUSC 02/27/15 On Thursday, February 26, UUSC joined with a group of concerned lawmakers to sponsor a congressional briefing about water affordability and accessibility in the United States, where average water prices have risen some 33% since 2010. Panelists offered a pointed, concerned, and still hopeful look at the trouble […]

Partnerships Vital for New Development Scheme

UNITED NATIONS 02/27/15 Expanding the United Nations’ partnerships — with Governments, business, the philanthropic community, civil society and academia — would be central to effectively implement the new development agenda, Martin Sajdik, President of the Economic and Social Council, told the 54-member body today, as delegates evaluated how to harness […]