HUFFINGTON POST 5/26/17 By Michael Shank and Maxine Bedat Beyonce’s label, Ivy Park, launched in collaboration with British fast fashion company Topshop, is quickly falling short of her stated goal to “celebrate every woman and the body she’s in while always striving to be better”. Not every woman is being […]
Labor Policy
Rep Cárdenas Introduces Job Legislation To Help the Unemployed Relocate
LATIN POST 06/24/15 By Rodrigo Ugarte Though unemployment had continued to decrease in the last couple of years, it remains an issue among middle and working class people. Rep. Tony Cárdenas (D-Calif.) reintroduced legislation to help the unemployed relocate and find employment. Rep. Cárdenas reintroduced the American Worker Mobility Act […]
Jobs Index Shows Dismal Outlook for US Workers
ROLL CALL 10/23/14 By Michael Shank and US Rep Steve Cohen (D-TN) This month, the first-ever global ranking of countries based on the quantity — and quality — of their jobs was released. The JustJobs Index uses empirical data to provide workers around the world with a simple answer to […]
Military-First is the Wrong Approach Toward Africa
POLITIX 08/07/14 By Michael Shank As President Barack Obama hosts the Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C. this week, it’s important for the president to put on the front-burner policies that promote peace on the continent. Instead of prioritizing counter-terrorism, resource extractive or aid-only agendas – which is what has […]
EU-US Free Trade Zone ‘Deeply Problematic’ Without Developing Economies
RIA NOVOSTI 05/20/14 NEW YORK, May 20 (RIA Novosti) – It is “deeply problematic” for the EU and the US to promote a free trade zone deal that eschews big developing economies, according to a legislation expert for the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a Quaker lobby group. Supporters of […]
TTIP Will Only Be to The Benefit of Industries
RUSSIA TODAY 05/19/14 Most of the working groups involved in trade negotiations are represented by industries and such biased approaches raise concerns over access and the transparency of the whole process, Michael Shank from Friends Committee on National Legislation told RT. “If you want to be a part of the […]
A Budget for Working America
THE HILL 04/04/14 By Michael Shank and Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.) To hear corporate America tell it, our economic recovery is going great. The top 1 percent of earners saw their incomes grow by 31.4 percent from 2009-2012. Oil companies are seeing record profits. Unfortunately, that’s not the recovery — […]
U.S.-E.U. Rhetoric on Russia as Destructive as a Chekhovian Duel
HUFFINGTON POST 03/22/14 By Michael Shank Returning home last week from Poland and Germany, as part of a United States and European Union transatlantic policymaker conversation on the crisis in Ukraine, Crimea and Russia, as well as other salient U.S.-E.U. issues like trade, climate change, and income inequality, I found […]
How to Save the American Dream
CNN 03/14/14 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Alan Lowenthal Editor’s note: U.S. Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-Calif) serves on the House Foreign Affairs and Natural Resources Committees. Michael Shank is associate director for legislative affairs at the Friends Committee on National Legislation and a senior fellow at the JustJobs Network. […]
Jobs: A Human Right
ROLL CALL 02/12/14 By Michael Shank There are several signs in the House of Representatives that indicate that members of Congress are taking seriously the call to create quality employment for Americans. This is a good thing and something of which we need to see more, especially with 50 million […]