International Analysis

Consumers, Business Carry the Ball on Climate Change

Vancouver Sun 12/26/2011 By Michael Shank and Melissa Powell As Canada withdraws from the Kyoto Protocol and United Nations climate talks conclude – postponing carbon cuts until 2020 – it is clear that something more than mere nation-state commitments will be needed to counter climate change and reduce global warming. […]

What River Phoenix and $38 Trillion Can Teach Us About Peace

Huffington Post 12/05/2011 By Michael Shank, Joaquin Phoenix and Dot Maver Look at 2011’s most significant events, those that will have an indelible impact on our future. We saw new wars, revolutions, record-breaking global population growth, climate-related disasters and poverty and income inequality statistics. We also witnessed innovative efforts to […]

US Can Contribute By Acknowledging Cuba’s Reforms

FINANCIAL TIMES 11/23/11 By Michael Shank Sir, With reference to “Come on – Cuba needs help, not hindrance to progress” (November 18): as illuminated in a 98-page report this month from the Center for Democracy in the Americas, Cuba’s recent economic reforms are indicative of a new resolve. President Raúl […]

Economic Reforms Herald Cuba’s New Resolve

Politico 11/12/2011 By Michael Shank Things are changing quickly in Cuba. This week, on Nov. 10, the Cuban government, under President Raul Castro’s leadership launched its most progressive economic reform initiative yet by legalizing the sale and purchase of private property. For Cuba watchers and Castro critics, this is noteworthy […]

For Reconstruction, Put Libyans to Work

ROLL CALL 11/01/11 By Michael Shank and J.J. Messner With the excitement about Moammar Gadhafi’s downfall beginning to fade, Libya’s new management has begun governing and reconstructing the war-torn nation. Plenty of attention is being paid to the governance angle: Is the National Transitional Council a legitimate, representative body? When […]

How the Arab Spring Sprung From a Nonviolent Source

Huffington Post 09/22/2011 By Michael Shank This year, as the world witnesses revolutions erupting throughout North Africa and the Middle East and watches autocrats give way to people power, there is increasing fascination in the West with the nonviolent nature of some of these movements. From policy-makers to the press, […]