Congressional Coauthors

Afghanistan Exit Strategy Must Focus on Development

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 05/31/12 By Michael Shank and U.S. Representative Michael Honda (D-CA) With NATO’s meeting in Chicago two weekends ago building consensus on critical next steps vis-a-vis anticipated withdrawals and deadlines, discussion of the development agenda post-withdrawal in Afghanistan must not slip from our radar screen. The […]

Increasing the Peace Can Reduce the Debt

ROLL CALL 04/02/12 By Michael Shank and Former Republican Congressman Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) Three months in and 2012 is setting trans-Atlantic records for harsher-than-normal austerity measures and disillusioned voters. East of the Atlantic, Greece struggles to regain footing while Portugal, Italy and Spain teeter on the brink. West of it, […]

Why 2013 Budgets Won’t Cut It and the Untapped Treasury in Violence

Huffington Post 04/02/2012 By Michael Shank and Former US Congressman Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD) Three months in and 2012 is setting trans-Atlantic records for harsher-than-normal austerity measures and disillusioned voters. East of the Atlantic, Greece struggles to regain footing while Portugal, Italy and Spain teeter on the brink. West of it, […]

In Afghanistan, We Can Only Offer So Many Apologies

Huffington Post 03/13/2012 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) Burning Korans and urinating on dead bodies is, without question, bad diplomacy in Afghanistan, but by themselves these latest episodes did nothing to make us reconsider our timetable for leaving. We had plenty of good reasons already to […]

The U.S. Afghanistan Strategy Is Failing and It’s Time to Pull Out

US NEWS & WORLD REPORT 03/06/12 CHICAGO TRIBUNE 03/07/12 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) The recent Koran burning protests are just the beginning of the problems America has in Afghanistan. That the U.S. military is burning Korans and urinating on dead bodies is, without question, bad […]

Candidates Should Address Cost 
of Violence in Primary States

THE HILL 02/17/12 By Michael Shank 
and Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn.) As the Republican candidates head to Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen’s state of Tennessee next month for the Super Tuesday primaries, one topic seems to have escaped their attention entirely: a credible economic cure for what ails the states in […]

Will Republicans Suggest an Economic Cure in Nevada?

AL JAZEERA 02/04/12 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Steve Cohen (D-TN) As the Republican candidates depart the southeast United States to head to Nevada, one topic seems to have escaped their attention entirely: a credible economic cure for what ails the states where they’re waging their campaigns for president. […]

Measuring the Cost of Violence

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER 01/12/12 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Michael Honda (D-CA) Homicide, other violent crimes, incarceration, policing, and guns are costing this country hundreds of billions of dollars, and millions of jobs, every year. According to conservative estimates by the Institute for Economics and Peace, if the United States […]

A Peace Dividend We Should All Want

THE HILL 12/21/11 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Michael Honda (D-CA) In light of Congress’s failure to wrestle up short-term cost-cutting measures for our country, we must not lose sight of longer-term concerns about the sustainability of our deficits, debts and, ultimately, our budgets.  While we tempt deadlines now, […]

House Punt on Payroll Deal Highlights Need for Radical Reform

Huffington Post 12/21/2011 By Michael Shank and US Congressman Michael Honda (D-CA) In light of Congress’s failure to wrestle up short-term cost-cutting measures for our country, we must not lose sight of longer-term concerns about the sustainability of our deficits, debts and, ultimately, our budgets. While we tempt deadlines now, […]