The Hill 01/28/2010
By Kris Kitto
Title: Communications director
Age: 35
Hometown: Amish-Mennonite town of Kidron, Ohio
Education: Completing Ph.D., George Mason University’s Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution (dissertation: climate)
Last job: Journalist; communications director, GMU
Biggest communications success: Communicating to Rep. Honda during my job interview that two communicator role models were Eleanor Roosevelt and Paolo Freire: Eleanor because of her championing civil and women’s rights while writing a nationally syndicated column six days a week for 30 years; Paolo because of his book Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Fortuitously, Honda, a former educator, loves the book.
Most memorable communications disaster: In my mid-20s I told my mother over the phone, and rather abruptly, that I was taking a job in the Philippines, specifically on the war-torn island of Mindanao. I remember the lengthy, audible silence before she eventually replied, nervously, “That’s interesting.”
Best communications advice you’ve received: From Jurgen Habermas, a lesson on communicative action: The use of language is a medium for reaching understanding. Through discussion, universal truths can be uncovered, and by adopting each other’s perspective, society can develop actions which have just consequences for everyone. Without taking the viewpoint of another, we risk acting out of ignorance. Additional advice? See every media request, no matter how small, as a messaging opportunity.
Most embarrassing moment on Capitol Hill: Caught by a member using the members-only elevator.
Interests outside of work: Middle East; Central, South and Southeast Asia; sailing, kayaking, scuba diving, mountaineering; The Economist and Financial Times; organic farming, vegetarianism.
Among the things Michael Shank has in common with his boss, Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.), is a past international experience that changed his outlook on life.
Several years ago Shank, Honda’s communications director, went to the Philippines to work with an organization that uses theater as a means of education, mediation and conflict resolution.
“I was living in great poverty, and that just changed my worldview,” he said, relating it his boss’s well-known experience as a Peace Corps volunteer in El Salvador. “After that, I really wanted to focus on global poverty issues and global awareness.”
He has since worked in roughly a dozen countries, and he sees his landing on Capitol Hill as a continuation of his mission.
“Increasingly, it really became clear that if I wanted to effect systems-level change, structural change, I needed to work for the government,” he said.
Shank still travels the globe — he went to Afghanistan in December on behalf of his boss and wrote five op-eds when he returned — but says he’s found a professional home.
“I love working for the congressman,” he said. “I feel like I can effect a lot of change in this position.”