The Economist 11/13/2008 By Michael Shank SIR- What unpropitious timing. On the heels of Syria playing friend, not foe, in relations with Lebanon and Israel and queuing for a diplomatic landing in London, American forces decide to pummel the burgeoning ally. (A puzzling raid, November 1st). In dealing with Damascus, […]
Liberal Persuasions
Economist 06/28/2008 By Michael Shank SIR – I attended the recent conference on Islam in Kuala Lumpur and can confirm that the Dutch preference for pre-empting religious flare-ups was well expounded not only by a Dutch lawyer, Famile Fatma Arslan, whom you mentioned, but also by an adviser to the […]
Running Low
The Economist 02/01/2008 By Michael Shank SIR – America will not adopt constraints on its emissions when a new president is inaugurated (“Get the price right”, January 19th). The momentum in Washington is simply not there. Last year’s energy legislation was passed by a Democratic Congress, which failed to eke […]