Daily Star Egypt

Talking Tough: How Obama Can Fight Extremism in Pakistan

International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 08/14/2007 By Michael Shank For those of us who believe in diplomacy, Senator Barack Obama’s recent pledge to dialogue with Cuba, North Korea and Iran offered a much-needed ray of hope. Amidst the security tough-talk by Democratic presidential hopefuls, at least one leading candidate was […]

Somalia, It Is Time To Open Your Doors

International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 08/12/2007 By Michael Shank and Samatalis Haille Prominent Somali intellectuals and parliamentarians from sub-clans once constituting the core of the defeated Islamic Courts Union claim that old rivals are dominating the government and unwilling to share power. Oddly, the international community tolerates this refusal and […]

Somalia Needs a ‘Reconciliation Readiness’ Program

International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 06/26/2007 By Michael Shank and Khadija Ali Somalia’s decision to delay yet again the National Reconciliation Congress comes as no surprise. The Transitional Federal Government’s (TFG) latest attempt at reconciliation was foiled long before the first session of congress began. While many fingers point to […]

Why the United States Should Dialogue With the Middle East: An Interview With US Representative Wayne Gilchrest (R-MD)

International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 01/25/2007 Conducted By Michael Shank United States Representative Wayne Gilchrest is a Republican Congressman serving the State of Maryland’s 1st District. Recently, Michael Shank, Policy Director for the 3D Security Initiative in Washington DC, interviewed US Congressman Gilchrest for THE DAILY STAR EGYPT. Shank: Is […]

Israel’s December Report: Three Clues for 2007

International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 12/28/2006 By Michael Shank Israeli government officials in charge of conducting an end-of-year review cannot be happy. While their mid-year review was equally disappointing, with the loss in Lebanon and lack of international support for Israel’s role in Gaza’s humanitarian crisis, the end-of-year review is […]

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Retire It or Retool It

International Herald Tribune/Daily Star Egypt 12/14/2006 By Michael Shank With the United States Congress stamp of approval this month on India’s nuclear pursuits, it may behoove world’s leaders to retire the near-defunct Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and start configuring a new regulatory framework. The NPT is on its last breath […]